Category Archives: Barack Obama

Cross-Partisans Against Co-Dependence

Written by . Filed under Barack Obama, Citizens, Civil Discourse, Congress, Cross-partisanship, Democracy, War and Peace, We The People. Tagged , , , , . No comments.

Yes, Syria is complicated. All the more reason we should not further complicate it with petty partisanship. A bittersweet byproduct of the Syrian complications is that they are producing bipartisan balance. Debates are getting closer to truly democratic, rather than just politically strategic. For this […]

Passion Play: Will ‘We the People’ be Ashamed or be Saviors?

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By Andrea Morisette Grazzini The symbolism of anguished mothers standing with President Barack Obama the day before Good Friday should resonate with all good people of faith. Obama’s call for American citizens to protect children, issued on a video featuring the President surrounded by women […]

Action, Not Talk, is Needed to End Gun Violence

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After the unspeakable massacre of twenty children in Connecticut, some people seem to think that just speaking about it will solve the situation that led to such devastation. Barack Obama has called for a national conversation on guns. As has nearly every public leader and […]

Catholic Archbishop: End Church-State Separation

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Also at By Andrea Morisette Grazzini The most powerful Catholic leader in Minnesota told a mother to either change her mind about her gay son or plan on going to hell. Which helps explain why many would like to tell Archbishop John Nienstedt to […]

Rethinking ‘Yes, We Can!’

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Also at OpEdNewsOnline @2012 Andrea Morisette Grazzini This quote by President Barack Obama captures a hidden, but essentially American, reality: “The pundits like to slice-and-dice our country into red states and blue states … But I’ve got news for them, too: We worship an awesome […]

Conservatives Must Banish Hate

Written by . Filed under Barack Obama, Civil Discourse, Civil Rights, Faith and religion, Nonpartisan Productive Dialogue. 4 Comments.

Also published at Star Tribune.  By Mitch Pearlstein On the chance you’re ever of the mind that yahoos have a special affinity for what some people think of as the political “right” — I’m alluding most immediately here to an ugly public invocation, try Googling “Bush” […]

“We’ve Got Each Others Back”

Written by . Filed under Barack Obama, Citizen Movement, Civil Discourse, Democracy, Politics & Elections, We The People. 3 Comments.

  Excerpted from President Barack Obama’s 2012 State of the Union Speech. (N)o matter what party they belong to, I bet most Americans are thinking the same thing right now:  Nothing will get done this year, or next year, or maybe even the year after that, because […]