Category Archives: Burnsville

Andrea Morisette Grazzini bio

Written by . Filed under Andrea Morisette Grazzini, Burnsville, Nonpartisan Productive Dialogue. 8 Comments.

Andrea Morisette Grazzini

Andrea Morisette Grazzini founded the cross-sector civil discourse initiative DynamicShift, in 2009.

She also founded WetheP, Inc,, in 2012. She serves a CEO of the start-up social media company. Which is a new media (Internet and Mobile) platform and public space that serves as ‘The Agent for Change Agents’ by Connecting People around their Self-Interests and Passions for Culture Change. Bridging the strengths of business practices to ‘real-people’ authenticity and scalability of community organizing and social movements.

Gov’t Shutdown? How about Common Citizen Sense.

Written by . Filed under Burnsville, Citizens, Nonpartisan Productive Dialogue, Politics & Elections, Twin Cities. Tagged , , , , , , . 1 Comment.

Billionaire business man Warren Buffet echoed the themes in this essay with his August 14, 2011 commentary Stop Coddling the Super-Rich. The essay below  also published in The Patch. Andrea Morisette Grazzini July, 2011 Like most middle class people, I live in a bipartisan neighborhood.   My Burnsville Minnesota […]

Minnesota Citizens = Modern-day MLK Movement Leaders

Written by . Filed under Burnsville, Citizen Movement, Civil Rights, Human Rights, Nonpartisan Productive Dialogue. 3 Comments.

See how Harry Boyte and Heatherlyn connect 60’s Civil Right’s movement with 2011’s WeThePeople’s cross-partisan citizen movement

Suburbanites Led by Muslim Woman

Written by . Filed under Athletics, Burnsville, Community, Human Rights, Immigration, Media & Culture, Social Organizations, YMCA. 4 Comments.

Portions of this essay were published in The New York Times. In response to Nick Kristof’s column Heroic, Female and Muslim profiling Dr. Hawa Abdi, a woman taking a stand for and with other women and girls against Islamic extremists. I’ve seen her model of hero in middle-class America, too. Perhaps, you’ll recognize the type, too —

Immigrants = Economic Assets

Written by . Filed under Athletics, Burnsville, Community, Culture & Children, Economy & Business, Ethnicity, Immigration, Leadership, Social Innovation, YMCA. 1 Comment.

Also published in TC Daily Planet. I missed my bicultural neighbors when I moved from Eagan, Minnesota. Among them were Ukranian and Ghanaian immigrants, both two-parent families led by business owners. They didn’t speak perfect English, but were great neighbors. They brought my family home-cooked […]

Secret Lessons for Parents and Policymakers

Written by . Filed under Academic & Research, Burnsville, Community, Education Policy, Nonpartisan Productive Dialogue, Social Innovation, Standard Measurements. 1 Comment.

Also published at TCDailyPlanet: Here’s a secret parents and policymakers haven’t heard. Last week, while most educators were scrambling to stuff last-minute lessons in before summer break some Burnsville, Minnesota teachers bucked the system (just a bit) for big-picture sake.

Citizen music solving public problems

Written by . Filed under Arts & Music, Burnsville, Citizens, Community, Economy & Business, Media & Culture. 1 Comment.

Andrea Grazzini Walstrom explains how citizens “perform” public solutions