Category Archives: Civil Rights

Muhammed Ali’s Civil Rights  Contributions — and the superstar leaders inspired by them

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The irrepressible Muhammed Ali (1942–2016) came onto the global stages at the height of the US Civil Rights era. His unthinkable and unorthodox mashup of dominance in the boxing ring and potent social justice proclamations left indelible imprints in the hearts, minds and efforts of some of the […]

The Distress, the Kingdom, the Endurance: Encountering Racial Realities

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By Father Dale Korogi                                                                                   […]

Memorial Day: Digging Up Bodies and Buried History

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Memorial Day, 2015  It might surprise Americans that Memorial Day was likely started by emancipated enslaved people. It was May 1865, and they were grateful for soldiers who’d sacrificed their lives. The newly free citizens spent two weeks carefully digging up the bodies of 257 Union soldiers who […]

Dr. King Dreamed That All Would Lead

Written by . Filed under Citizen Movement, Citizens, Civil Discourse, Civil Rights, I Have a Dream speech, Martin Luther King. Tagged . No comments.

By Andrea Morisette Grazzini Copyright, August 28, 2013 It wasn’t his charisma Dr. Martin Luther King Jr wanted us to remember. It wasn’t his courage. It wasn’t even his character. These were not the messages Dr. King wanted the Civil Rights movement to leave with our […]

Conservatives Must Banish Hate

Written by . Filed under Barack Obama, Civil Discourse, Civil Rights, Faith and religion, Nonpartisan Productive Dialogue. 4 Comments.

Also published at Star Tribune.  By Mitch Pearlstein On the chance you’re ever of the mind that yahoos have a special affinity for what some people think of as the political “right” — I’m alluding most immediately here to an ugly public invocation, try Googling “Bush” […]

Beating the drum for Emmanuel

Written by . Filed under Citizen Movement, Civil Rights, Martin Luther King, Populism. 1 Comment.

Related essay by Harry Boyte at DemocracyU. Andrea Morisette Grazzini One might well wonder if modern-day meanings of things writ wrong in public can ever be undone.  Particularly when Washington meaning-mongers from both sides seem as immovable as the great monuments lining its Mall. It […]

Minnesota Citizens = Modern-day MLK Movement Leaders

Written by . Filed under Burnsville, Citizen Movement, Civil Rights, Human Rights, Nonpartisan Productive Dialogue. 3 Comments.

See how Harry Boyte and Heatherlyn connect 60’s Civil Right’s movement with 2011’s WeThePeople’s cross-partisan citizen movement