Category Archives: Education Policy

Big-boy NASA and small Girl-led Biz launch jobs

Written by . Filed under Academic & Research, Charles Bolden, Darlene Miller, Economy & Business, Education Policy, Professional, Social Innovation, STEM. Tagged , , . No comments.

By Charles Bolden and Darlene Miller  Seattle, Washington February 3, 2012 You may be wondering what the owner of a small, Minnesota-based, woman-owned machine parts company has in common with the Administrator of the world’s premier space exploration agency.  The answer was made clear this week […]

Civilized Compassion: Not Detached, Engaged.

Written by . Filed under Academic & Research, Citizens, Dalai Lama, Education Policy, Faith and religion, Politics & Elections, Social Innovation. 2 Comments.

Also published in Twin Cities Daily Planet. Andrea Morisette Grazzini June 15, 2011. Spiritual leaders are rarely invited to do stadium-sized talks at public universities.  Mostly because they don’t deliver butts-in-seats sales like, say, basketball. Plus there are risks of violating boundaries separating government-funded academics […]

Secret Lessons for Parents and Policymakers

Written by . Filed under Academic & Research, Burnsville, Community, Education Policy, Nonpartisan Productive Dialogue, Social Innovation, Standard Measurements. 1 Comment.

Also published at TCDailyPlanet: Here’s a secret parents and policymakers haven’t heard. Last week, while most educators were scrambling to stuff last-minute lessons in before summer break some Burnsville, Minnesota teachers bucked the system (just a bit) for big-picture sake.

Critical Question: How can candidates solve Deficits of Thought?

Written by . Filed under Academic & Research, Education Policy, Politics & Elections, Standard Measurements. 4 Comments.

Governer Tim Pawlenty’s appearance on NBC’s Meet the Press provokes partisan passions — and a call for higher order bipartisan thinking if we are to achieve a higher order government.