Category Archives: Human Rights

Catholic Archbishop: End Church-State Separation

Written by . Filed under Barack Obama, Culture & Children, Faith and religion, Human Rights, Religion. Tagged . 5 Comments.

Also at By Andrea Morisette Grazzini The most powerful Catholic leader in Minnesota told a mother to either change her mind about her gay son or plan on going to hell. Which helps explain why many would like to tell Archbishop John Nienstedt to […]

Home of the Hateful: How our Leaders are Us

Written by . Filed under Constructivism, Culture & Children, Human Rights, Media & Culture, Politics & Elections, Race, Social Organizations. Tagged , , , , . 2 Comments.

One group of police chaplains was shocked into silence by disturbing photos depicting a full-sized image of Hillary Clinton decimated by bullet holes.
Posed by the presidential candidate’s gutted likeness was a 40-something white man.

Un-Hoarding Hope

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  Also published in MinnPost. January 1,  2012 Mary Buelow is a budding writer whose ability to see through superficialities and shed light on hidden truths will take her far. More important is where her stories take others, by transporting subjects who don’t or can’t […]

If Hawks & Doves Married Moral Codes

Written by . Filed under Academic & Research, Civil Discourse, Faith and religion, Human Rights, Military. Tagged , , . 7 Comments.

  Portions of this essay were highlighted as “comments that best represent a range of views” in The New York Times. Also published in Australia’s political and social e-journal, OnLine Opinion. Andrea Morisette Grazzini, September 2011 When you juxtapose soldiers and peace activists you notice […]

Discerning Humanity After Bin Laden’s Death

Written by . Filed under Arts & Music, Civil Discourse, Faith and religion, Human Rights. No comments.

    Also published in MinnPost. Andrea Morisette Grazzini, May 3, 2011 Perhaps no news topic has captured such attention by people of all ages and walks of life around the world as the death of Osama bin Laden.  An historical connection some see as […]

Minnesota Citizens = Modern-day MLK Movement Leaders

Written by . Filed under Burnsville, Citizen Movement, Civil Rights, Human Rights, Nonpartisan Productive Dialogue. 3 Comments.

See how Harry Boyte and Heatherlyn connect 60’s Civil Right’s movement with 2011’s WeThePeople’s cross-partisan citizen movement

Heart Doc’s Healthcare Solution: Human Connection

Written by . Filed under Academic & Research, Healthcare, Human Rights, Politics & Elections, Professional, Social Innovation. No comments.

Robert Frantz MD is one of the most respected cardiologists in the world. In his travels around the globe and his own life and work this past year, he see reasons for despair. But this physician, a caregiver by heart and in work, is also quite clear — miracles are very much possible. Here Dr. Frantz shares his very personal and moving reflections on a critical cure–hope found in unlikely places and people. Excerpts from his stunning New Years letter, below.

Suburbanites Led by Muslim Woman

Written by . Filed under Athletics, Burnsville, Community, Human Rights, Immigration, Media & Culture, Social Organizations, YMCA. 4 Comments.

Portions of this essay were published in The New York Times. In response to Nick Kristof’s column Heroic, Female and Muslim profiling Dr. Hawa Abdi, a woman taking a stand for and with other women and girls against Islamic extremists. I’ve seen her model of hero in middle-class America, too. Perhaps, you’ll recognize the type, too —

A common-citizen’s power to challenge powerful forces

Written by . Filed under Citizens, Economy & Business, Human Rights, Immigration. 2 Comments.

Rosalina Gomez is “just” a janitor. But she has executives from two of the largest banks in the country scrambling. More hopefully — so are the media. The top story in today’s Star Tribune business section, by Neal St. Anthony, covers Gomez’s effort to get […]